Update--My Next 9 Weeks


This morning was day 4 of my wake-up-at-ridiculous-o'clock-and-by-that-I-mean-6-a.m. resolution. (Read about it here.) The first day I was like, "Yeah! I can do it!" Day two was a bit more like, "Okay. I can do this." Day three I felt like sleeping, but I got up anyway. This morning I spent at least 5 minutes staring into space before I reminded myself that getting up early was only necessary if I actually focused on the task at hand. 

I only made this goal for a week; as much as I'd like to think I could get up early for a month, I know I wouldn't be able to. I'm not gonna lie, it hasn't been easy so far, but I have quite enjoyed spending time in the morning getting focused and writing thoughts/Bible verses/whatever comes to mind in my journal.

Yesterday my dad called with some sad news about someone who's close to me. She's sick with cancer. Dying. I cried when I heard the news. This morning I spent most of my time thinking about how I can't imagine finding out that there is something inside me, slowly (or quickly as the case may be) attacking me with orders to kill. That would be enough to scare me into a seriously concentrated effort to make the most of my life while I can. Be thankful for each day and not spend time being rude or anxious or scared or pessimistic. 

But really I should be doing that anyway.

That's essentially the reason I wanted to find something specific to do for each of the last 9 weeks of 2010. Because I'd rather do something than spend that time worrying about how fast time is going. Or how I haven't gotten this or that completed like I wanted to. I can just do it and stop with all the excuses. And if, then, something happens and I receive less than positive news about my health, I can feel satisfied in the knowledge that I made the most of what I had. And continue to be thankful for the time I have left.

On that note...

Here are a few of my ideas for the remaining weeks:

-Send one card/letter to a friend every day for a week.
-Work out for at least 30 min every day for a week. (Weights, cardio, yoga, whatever)
-Cook one new thing every day for a week. (This one could get expensive...)
-Write 750 words of my fiction story every day for a week . (I currently have about 3,000 words.)

Feel free to give me any other ideas you think I might like! As you can see, I don't currently have enough ideas to fill the next 8 weeks.